Check Logistic On Your Big Day
Good evening ladies and gentlemen....Opps! Hi hi again! Was just practicing part of my speech for the coming event!
Well, today I'll like to talk more on logistic problem. Such as, when you arrived at the ballroom/restaurant and found out the items and set up actually not up to your expectation.
Do prepare a check list for your friend/cousin that can help you up on this matter,or of course hire me to be your care taker ( hee hee again to have a little bit of my own advertisement ).
There are a few things to prepare on your check list:
Check the color that the agreed items such as: the color of the table cloth and chair cloth that has agreed earlier.
Next check is the back drop whether they have the correct spelling and sometimes some venue even mixed up on which couple on which ballroom/section of the restaurant.
This point now is very important for I have come across this matter myself: Check the stage panel whether is stable and including the stair steps in front of the stage. Once I was doing this function where I was advised by the hotel staff not to dance on the panel where they are having the champaign tower. Asking them why? And got the answer from them that the panel is unstable. Being not very experience on handling logistic that time, I just asked why they don't want to change that particular panel and got the answer” aiyah! Kak tukar panel leceh la. Jangan menari di situ saja” (Translation:” aiyah! Sis changing the panel is troublesome. Just don't dance on that panel.) They ignore and you know what happened? When the couple pouring champaign nothing happened but when the staff served the champaign... huh huh! The panel shaken and down the whole tower shattered! Oh god!
Coming up is to check on the red carpet for the couple walk-in aisle. I myself, always tripped by those not properly stuck carpet. Please get them to stick the carpet properly for I don't like anything to happened during the couple walk-in that is the most important moment of the whole evening.
Well, those are the big tips for you, Of course there are some minor ones that you can think of. So, try to get your head spin first, but, if you have any question, Any is here to help: just visit : and join my forum. Bye and see you soon.